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Journalists who legitimised fascism will not be spared: Nahid

Information Adviser Nahid Islam today said journalists and writers who tried to give legitimacy to fascism and instigated mass killing through their writings will be brought to book.
No one will be spared just because they are journalists, cultural activities or poets, he said.
“Those who were involved in fascism, worked to legitimise it, created public opinion through writings and opinions, worked and instigated genocide, they must be brought to justice,” he said in reply to a query at the Secretariat.
The cases are not being filed by the government but by the people. People are also being accused in cases due to personal enmity, the adviser said.
“So, we have given instructions and assured that these cases will be reviewed and investigated within a short time.
“If there are no allegations against anyone, they will be relieved from the cases,” he said.
Nahid said they sat with journalist representatives from the Jatiya Press Club and the Secretariat Journalist Forum and told them to inform the ministry if any journalist was harassed or harmed by being implicated in cases.
“We will look into it,” he said.
Around 50 journalists were sued in cases, mostly on murder charges, with different police stations across the country after former prime minister Sheikh Hasina resigned and fled on August 5.
So far, four journalists were arrested. They are: Mozammel Babu, managing director and editor-in-chief of Ekattor TV, and Shyamal Dutta, editor of Bhorer Kagoj, Shakil Ahmed, former head of news at Ekattor Television and its principal correspondent Farzana Rupa.
